En härlig TR2 med Brookland-rutor.






Sven Larssons fina TR3A, 1960. OBS! Originallack

Bengt Sjöbloms TR4, 1963. Här med monterad bakruta vilket möjliggör montage av Surrey Top.

Bengt Åkerbloms GTR 4 Dove, 1963

Lars Åke Magnussons TR4A IRS, 1965

Snygg TR5 (1968) ägd av Ulf Fabiansson som också fotograferat

Bengt Nyléns TR6, 1969

En läcker TR3B . En av tre i Sverige. Årsmodell 1962 och ägd av Staffan Olsson.


TR7, 1980

5 x  TR8 (juli 2008)


Starting a TR6 by Robert Coucher: “You turn the key. BUZZZ! A veritable hornet´s nest erupts behind your left ear as the truculent fuel pump swarms into action. This annoyance is immediately overruled by the glorious melliflouos rumble of six big cylinders leaping into action. That´s it. The sound is a war cry that touches every car enthusiast´s soul. Everything else about the car is secondary. Fit, finish, colour is irrelevant. Like a vampire feels eye teeth sprouting in the moonlight, you feel yourself tingling as the sound ripples goose bumps over your body. And the car hasn´t even moved off the mark yet!!”